Poetry Winners Announced

Poetry Winners Announced
Posted on 05/28/2019
Congratulations to the winners of the Cambridge Public Library’s 21th Annual Poetry Awards from the Haggerty School! This year we received nearly 1,300 entries, making for a very tough competition again! We congratulate everyone who entered for their wonderful poems.

Our winners are: 
Mia, First Place, Kindergarten for “In the sky…”
Hamza, Honorable Mention, Second Grade for “Scrub Wash Squirt”
Korrey, Honorable Mention, Fourth Grade for “Peace”

In the Sky - by Mia
In the sky, 
In the night, 
In the stars so bright,
When the moon falls asleep
I will not a peep.

Scrub, Wash, Squirt - by Hamza
Scrub, Wash, Squirt
When you go in to the bathroom you got
To Scrub,
                                 You got to wash, 
You got to squirt,
                                           You got 
to find a bubble and see what’s inside
Are you inside?

Peace - by Korrey
Peace is the world
Swimming through the milky way
Flying past the stars
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