Library Corner
This week, we kicked off the Haggerty Readers Book Club for students in grades 2-5. A heartfelt thank you to all the staff, students, and caregivers who contributed and took part. We welcomed more than sixty students to our book clubs. Students enjoyed their lunches while engaging in discussions about their current reads. Some discussion prompts included: “What do you like or dislike about your book? Would you recommend it? What titles are in your book box or bag? What genres do you enjoy reading?”
One of my goals for our book clubs is to encourage students to explore new titles that their peers recommend. While revisiting familiar stories can be comforting, it’s also important to branch out and broaden your reading experience.
The next book club meetings are scheduled for Monday, November 18, 2024, for grade 3, and Wednesday, November 20, 2024, for grades 2, 4 and 5. Each meeting will occur during the students' lunch periods.
Continue the conversation about books and literature at home with these engaging discussion prompts for your students.
Who is your favorite character so far? → Why?
Which character are you most similar to? → What qualities do you share?
What are three adjectives you would use to describe the main character? Why?
What message do you think the author is trying to share with their reader?
If the main character attended your school, do you think you would be close friends with them? Why or why not?
Everyone is invited to participate in the upcoming meetings, even if they weren't able to attend book club this week!
Haggerty Readers Book Club Team
Mrs. Russell and Ms. Mency
Music Corner
Grades 3 and 4 - Ms. Susie
Grade 4 recorder players have been introduced to the first 6 songs in the sequence. They might consider playing them at home in advance of earning ribbons in the next couple of weeks.
Grades 3 and 4 are beginning work on their repertoire for the Haggerty School Annual Peace Concert on Friday, December 13th at 8AM. Grades Preschool - 4th Grade will perform, as well as the Haggerty Chorus. SAVE THE DATE!
Coach’s Corner
Caregiver conferences are coming soon and you may wonder how teachers assess student learning in our math curriculum. When I was growing up, we always had assessments at the end of a unit. This curriculum has them, too. At the end of every unit all the students take a written end-of-unit assessment.
We also have other important ways we see what students are learning while we are teaching. One thing we do is observe students. We know our goals for students and we watch them carefully. This is important for all students, but especially for Kindergarten and First Grade, since they may not be doing much writing in math yet.
Here is an example of what we look for at the beginning of Kindergarten.
The curriculum also has something called a “cool-down” that students do at the end of the lesson almost every day in Grade 2-5 and regularly in Grade 1, particularly later in the year. Teachers use those to find out if students are confused so that we can help them right away.
Here are some examples of student work on cool downs:
First Grade:
Fourth Grade:
Want to learn more about our math curriculum? Join me on Wednesday, November 20 from 7:45 - 8:45AM for a Haggerty Caregiver Math Workshop in the Library!
Mathily Yours,
Nili, AKA Ms. Pearlmutter
Haggerty Math Coach
Upcoming Caregiver Workshops & Community Events
Community Art Center's Canvas & Cookies this Saturday
Saturday, November 9 | 1-3PM | Community Art Center (119 Windsor St.)
Unleash your inner artist & enjoy tasty treats during this FREE all ages painting classes on select Saturdays at Community Art Center! This in-person event is perfect for art enthusiasts of all levels and ages.
Space is limited to the first 20 sign ups, so don't miss out on this opportunity to unwind, socialize, and create something beautiful!
Learn more here >>
Muslim Community of Cambridge Public Schools Meet & Greet
Saturday, November 9 | 2-4PM | Danehy Park Picnic Tables (99 Sherman St.)
Join the MCCPS for outdoor fun and connections! Bring your family and friends! Light refreshments will be served. Everyone is welcome! RSVP at
Questions? Contact
[email protected].
Flyer here >>
Can We Talk? How to have conversations with kids & teens about mental health
November 13 | 7 - 8PM
Register >>
Haggerty Caregiver Math Workshop (Kindergarten - Grade 5)
Wednesday, November 20 | 7:45 – 8:45AM
Does the math you children bring home look different than what you remember from school? Come learn about how children learn math with our curriculum, Illustrative Math. Join us to find out what math lessons are like and how students
learn to make math VISUAL. Please RVSP to Lissa by November 18.
Open House at the Cambridge Public Library
November 21 | 4:30 - 7:30PM
45 Pearl St. Cambridge
Learn more >>
Cambridge Youth Hockey
Learn to skate and play
Learn more >>
Caregivers K-8, We Need Your Voice!
Join one of our sharing sessions to help inform afterschool expansion.
Learn more >>
Raising Resilient and Confident Kids in the Age of Achievement Culture
December 4 | 7 - 8PM
Haggerty Caregiver Literacy Workshop (Grade 3 -5 )
Thursday, January 9 | 6:30 – 7:30PM | Zoom
Join us for special Zoom/Virtual session for caregivers in grades 3-5. This session is designed to share information about the new CKLA literacy curriculum in grades 3-5. Information about reading assignments will also be included
in this event. Link will be shared. For grades 3-5 caregivers.
Art Corner
By Anthony Reynolds, Art Teacher
In art older grades are finishing yarn painting. This technique is one we see being used more often in the contemporary art world, with yarn sometimes being so detailed it becomes virtually indistinguishable from a painting. A great artist to check out at home who has mastered this technique is Bisa Butler.
READING NOOK! We have a reading/break nook in the art room, but we’re woefully short on books. So I am looking for donations for the art room library. Picture books with beautiful illustrations, drawing books, or books filled with good images for references are needed the most. The more diverse the better! Please drop off any book donations to the office with a note for Mr. Reynolds!
Friends of Haggerty (FOH)
We get by with a little help from our friends! And our friends could be you!
Friends of Haggerty is always looking for a variety of help so if you are interested in getting involved let us know.
FOH is an inclusive organization that strives to be welcoming to all members of the community and to contribute to Haggerty’s family-like culture. We invite and welcome all members of the community to participate in FOH as board members, volunteers, or in any other capacity.
We organize and support events and fundraising like the International Pot Luck, Family Folk Dance Night and the Winter Peace Concert that make all members of the community feel included and able to contribute.
ur goal is to reach every child in the community with enrichment and to ensure that no child is left out of an enrichment opportunity because of inability to pay.
If you are interested in learning more email Boad Chairperson, Darl Packard: [email protected].
Food, Nutrition, & Gardening
For November’s Harvest of the Month, we have - Kale! 
Norah’s Nutrition Nook:
Like many dark leafy greens, kale is rich in vitamin K! This vitamin plays a crucial role in blood clotting. It’s important to note that some individuals may have to monitor vitamin K intake depending on medications they take.
Often described as a superfood, and with good reason, kale is packed with antioxidants like vitamin C, quercetin, polyphenols, beta-carotene, and other flavonoids. These all support your immune system by fighting free radicals.
Kale is considered a cruciferous vegetable, which might seem different from the usual we think of like cabbage, broccoli, or brussel sprouts. Some research has shown that chemical compounds found in cruciferous vegetables were linked to the decrease of cancer risk due to a reduction in cancer cells.
Check out this Kale Soup with Turkey and Bean recipe!
Mind, Movement, & More

November 10 | 4:30PM
Black History in Action brings an Evening of Movement, Music, and Poetry! This event will be a space for individuals to come and share in dancing, live music, and spoken word poetry. To register, please see this link here.

For many, this was likely a high stress week. During stressful times, it’s important to remember to take time to take care of yourself and loved ones around you. See the image below from Healthy Monday Refresh for some tips to bring a sense of calm in stressful situations. |
What’s Going on in the Garden?
As the warmth of summer fades, CitySprouts has been making the most of these final sunny days. This month, we’ve been busy harvesting a variety of crops, including corn, pumpkins, peppers, cherry tomatoes, and more. Since some of these tender plants might not survive the season’s first frost, our classes have enjoyed gathering the harvest, tasting the fresh produce, and learning about the transition of the gardens as we go into the colder season. Check out our most recent blog post where we recap the last few weeks of cider pressing!
Lessons in the Garden
With cooler weather settling in, our classes will begin to have fewer opportunities to work directly in the garden. As a result, our Garden Educators get creative with their lessons. Lately, a popular activity has been scientific illustration. Scientific illustration uses art to accurately convey scientific concepts in an engaging way. The students especially enjoy drawing their own interpretations of different plants and parts of the garden.
Painting with Plants
Want to paint but don’t have any supplies? A fun lesson the Garden Educators have been doing in the gardens is “painting” with plants! By crushing leaves and stems from various plants, we release their natural pigments and use them to draw on paper, just like painting. This hands-on activity is a blast, and it gives us the chance to experiment with different plants—comparing which ones produce the best colors, which pigments show up more vividly, and how easy (or tricky) certain plants are to use. The picture above is an example of some collaborative drawings created by our Garden Educators!
CitySprouts Annual Meeting
This month, CitySprouts’ Board and Advisors, along with key supporters came together for a morning of celebrating the highlights of 2024, and goal setting for the coming year. A big thank you to a few of the school faculties who also joined! We are all excited about this upcoming year and what we can accomplish together!
Stay Connected!
To keep up to date with CitySprouts news, events, volunteer opportunities, etc. follow us on Instagram
, Facebook
, and LinkedIn
SEL Corner
Why teach Social-Emotional Learning? When students have supportive relationships and opportunities to develop and practice social, emotional, and cognitive skills across many different contexts, academic learning accelerates. Research shows that Social Emotional Learning has a positive impact on students’ academic achievements and contributes to a healthy well-being and safe schools. Learn more here!
Please join us on December 3rd at 6PM for a Social-Emotional Learning Caregiver Workshop!
Snack of the Week
In Our District and Community

Visit Find It Cambridge for lots of great resources!
You can also call/text 617.686.2998 or email Andrew for help.
See a curated list of programs, events, and resources within our district & community! See list >>
Upcoming Haggerty Events
Monday, November 11, 2024
NO SCHOOL, in observance of Veteran’s Day
Friday, November 15, 2024
Haggerty School Advisory Council Meeting
7:45 - 8:45AM (in Library and Virtual - link closer to meeting date)
Monday, November 18, 2024
Health Teacher meeting with 5th grade families
7:45 - 8:45AM | Library
Monday, November 18, 2024
Specialists (Teachers of Music, Art, Library, Physical Education, and Technology) Meeting with Kindergarten Families on Zoom at 7PM
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Family Folk Dance Night! 5:30-6:00 pm Pizza in Cafeteria
6 - 7PM | Dancing in Gymnasium. All are welcome! Family Event
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Math Caregiver Workshop (K-5th grade)
7:45 - 8:45AM | Library
Friday, November 22, 2024
School Photo Retake Day!
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
Early Release Day - Dismissal is 11:45 AM
Thursday and Friday, November 28 & 29
NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
View full calendar >>
View district calendar >>