Welcome Back from the Principal: September 15, 2017

Dear Haggerty Families,

I hope this Haggerty Holler finds you well and at ease with your children’s transition to the 2017-2018 school year. We are so excited to have begun another school year!

If you are a new or returning Haggerty family member,


Soo Dhawoow! Khosh Amadid! Marhaban! Bienvenidos!
Swagatum! Dahan-mesika! Bienvenue! Anquan danah mahtu!
Svagat! Huānyíng! Pryvet! Irasshaimase!
Välkommen! Fáilte! Atithi tarīkē svīkārya! Fogadtatás!
Hacheli! Willkommen! Καλωσορίζω! Benvenuto!
Eoseo Oshipsio! Chào đón!
Bem-vindo! Shalom!

That’s “welcome” in 27 languages, and I’m sure I’ve missed a few! If I did, or if I made some errors, please let me know. Our goal is to have everyone not only feel welcome at Haggerty, but wanted and valued.  

The Haggerty staff and I were eager to have your children enter the building and fill the space with their energy and excitement. After a summer of coverage in the media full of hate, fear, and racism, we’ve never been more committed to our work. It’s in our relationships with you, your families, and your children that we continue to see tremendous HOPE in the future. I can’t thank you enough for sharing them with us.  

This year the staff are working hard to dig deep into the instructional strategies and practices that bring educational equity to our work. We are deeply committed to examining the practices that promote access and learning for all of our learners. We will continue to build a strong adult professional culture by sharing our practices and get feedback from one another. This includes continuing to allow the faculty to be in one another’s classrooms and observing one another. We’ll continue to consider the most effective and equitable ways to partner with you, including how we plan for school-based classroom events. My goal is to continue to find ways to share what we’re up to, including what your children are learning and engaged in.    

You can learn more at a School Advisory Council (SAC) meeting. Those dates will be out soon, as will the parent representatives on that council so that you can access parents if you need an avenue to ask questions or share concerns. You always have Lissa, Sue and me, but the parent, community and staff representatives on the SAC will want to make sure you know the best ways to advocate for your children.  

As always, thank you for sharing your children with us! We look forward to a great year!

Warm regards, 

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