School Info

School Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday | 7:45AM - 2:15PM
Wednesday | 7:45AM - 1:45PM


Classroom Communication
The best time to reach a classroom teacher is before 7:40AM (teachers are in their classrooms with students by 7:40AM) or after 2PM. It’s recommended that you email the classroom teacher and coordinate a convenient time to talk. Emails are the teacher’s first name initial, last name, and the district email address (E.g., [email protected]). We will not interrupt teaching time to put calls through to classroom teachers unless it is an emergency. Emails are NOT considered confidential and are part of the record.

Staying Informed
The most far-reaching and efficient way to access immediate news and announcements is to give the school your email address. If you do not have an email address, we will send home paper copies of all announcements and notices.


7:10 - 7:30AM | Bus students arrive and will gather in the playground or cafeteria if they need breakfast
7:30AM | First Bell: All students arrive and gather in the playground
7:45AM | Second Bell: Morning announcements and instruction begin

Morning Meeting
All K-5 classes follow the adopted CPS Social Competency Curriculum known as Responsive Classroom. This approach is based on the belief that the social curriculum is as important as the academic curriculum, and that knowing the children we teach – individually, culturally, and developmentally – and their families is crucial to student learning. Children learn and practice the important social skills of cooperation, assertion, responsibility, empathy, and self-control and as a result help to create a positive classroom climate.

At 2:15PM (1:45PM on Wednesdays) the final bell will ring and dismissal procedures will begin:

  • Students taking the bus will be invited to their respective bus lines via an announcement
  • Students in Kindergarten – grade 3 enrolled in after school in the building will be brought downstairs to the multi-purpose room by a staff member or DHSP staff.
  • Students in grades 4-5 who attend after school at the Russell Youth Center will be escorted by a staff member, unless their caregiver gives them permission to walk independently to the Youth Center (you can email Maria Williams and cc your classroom teacher if you’d like to grant that permission)
  • Students who walk home will be dismissed by a staff member to a parent/guardian,
    or specified adult (see pick-up location below). If the adult picking-up is not the parent/guardian, they must have prior approval by a parent/guardian to pick up the student. If the teacher does not know this adult they may ask for photo identification.
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