On Friday, June 16th, the Haggerty 5th graders put on a moving assembly to remember and celebrate their years at the Haggerty School. Small groups of 5th graders reminisced about a grade, Kindergarten through fifth grade. The fifth graders, led by Mx. Irvin, beautifully sang "Never Gonna Give You Up." The assembly concluded with words from Nancy, reminding them Haggerty will always be home to them - and we hoped to see them back! They also put a personal memento in the time capsule, for their 18-year-old selves to come back and find. The families and fifth grade staff celebrated together after the assembly with lunch and a photo booth. As a Legacy Project, the fifth graders worked with Ms. Burks to do a beautiful mural on the back playground wall. It's amazing!! Thanks to Friends of Haggerty for helping to fund this celebration and mural! We will miss you fifth graders!