Race Matters

The Race Matters: Courageous Conversation group meets several times a year. We have group discussions (based on readings, or videos) and have guest speakers. Come to our first meeting in October (date to be announced) and be a part of the conversation and work!

Race Matters Mission Statement

Our mission is to explore, through dialogue, racism and its impact on our kids today, in school and at home; to explore our own personal beliefs around race; to explore ways to talk about race related issues with our kids in an age-appropriate way; and to get ideas on practical steps we can take as individuals to confront racism and to take this conversation beyond the theoretical to action.

We strive to make this work and our group as welcoming and as safe as possible, by building relationships, listening and asking questions. We trust the wisdom of the community to guide us in this process.

Ask parent Stacy Carruth.

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